More Information
HOURS: The Varna Community Center building is open whenever there is a scheduled event. For access to the building at other times, contact us ahead of time. Email is best: Chair@VarnaCommunityAssociation.org

The board is composed a minimum of 6 and maximum of 12 volunteers who approve activities which support the
VCA mission, make policy decisions, oversee VCA finances, and ensure
that all legal obligations of the corporation are met.
2024 Board Members:
Amy Albright, vice chair
Laurie Foster
Susan Funicelli
Janet Morgan, chair
Simon St.Laurent, treasurer
Mason Jager, secretary
When: Usually the first Monday of the month at 7pm
Who: Open to the public. VCA members are especially encouraged to attend.
Where: Varna Community Center
943 Dryden Rd.
Contact us to make sure of the date and location of the next meeting.
VCA POLICIES: VCA bylaws, financial and other
policies can be found here.
GENERATOR: The VCA has a large generator that automatically comes on if the power is off. In case of a sustained outage, the Community Center will be available as a place to get warm, find information, charge phones, etc.
VCA BARN: The metal barn at the back of the VCA's property is used by Habitat for Humanity for storage of building supplies. We are happy to provide this space and grateful for occasional help from Habitat volunteers - they were amazing when we installed the fence around the playground!

WOODLAND TRAILS: The bridge near the playground provides access to two short footpaths through the woods. One path connects with the Dryden Rail Trail, the other leads to Hillside Acres mobile home park. The trails may be uneven and/or muddy, so please be careful. Also, keep dogs on leash at all times, and pick up any trash you spot along the way.

The Varna Community Association is a T-free zone. Use of tobacco products is not allowed on VCA property, either indoors or outdoors.
The VCA outdoor recreational facilities are open to the public from dawn to dusk. Follow these rules on VCA property:
Show respect for others and for equipment and furniture
Playground is designed for children 2-12 years
Children 12 and under must be supervised by a parent or guardian at all times
When the Varna After School Program is in session, VASP staff are in charge of all recreational activities. Others must follow their directions
Dogs or other pets are not allowed inside the fence
Outside the playground, follow Town of Dryden leash law
Clean up before leaving. Place trash in the dumpster and recyclables in the R dumpster
Close playground gate when leaving
Alcohol is not allowed in the playground
Report equipment concerns by leaving a message at: 607-272-2658
In case of emergency call 911

FUNDING: As a private, not-for-profit corporation, the VCA is not funded by the Town of Dryden or other government agencies. To provide services to the community, we rely on donations, fundraising activities, grants and rental income.
We accept donations of refund cans and bottles as well as used ink cartridges. Leave your donations at the front door of the Community Center and a volunteer will turn them into cash.
Financial donations are vital for us and tax deductible for you. Send a check made out to "Varna Community Association" to PO Box 4771, Ithaca NY 14852-4771. Or, donate online:
Watch for announcements of fundraising activities on our homepage and in the Varna News.
Rental income helps pay for insurance, service contracts, etc.
Learn about renting VCA facilities here
GRANTS are particularly helpful for major improvements to VCA property. We are grateful for recent grants that allowed us to replace old carpeting, trim trees in the back yard, and replace a refrigeration unit:
Tompkins County Recovery Fund​
Susan Christopherson Community Planning Fund at the Community Foundation of Tompkins County